Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you wanted to know about World Maths Day.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact the World Maths Day team here.

What is the date of the Champions Challenge?

Around the 28th of March.

Why does access to World Maths Day start on the 22nd of March for some countries?

World Maths Day is designed to start simultaneously across all regions. Meaning that students can compete against students from across the globe – not just in their time zone. This also means that some students will have access on the 22nd of March.

What are the technical requirements?

Read more on technical requirements here.

When is the event?

World Maths Day officially takes place on the 23rd March 2022.

How do I register?

You can pre-register here

Is there a warm up period?

Yes. The warm up preiod begins on the 9th March.

If I already have Mathletics do I need to register?

We encourage you to register to stay up to date with event details. Your students can use their exsisting Mathletics logins to take part.

Do I need a Mathletics subscription?

No. World Maths Day is open to all school-aged students.

Is this free?


Is there an age limit?

Yes. The event is restricted to school-aged students (4-18).

How do I login?

Head here to login.

How long is a World Maths Day 'live maths game'?

60 seconds.

How many World Maths Day 'live maths game' can I complete for points?

20 live maths games count towards your World Maths Day score.

How many wrong answers can I get in each live maths game before it stops?

3 wrong answers per live maths game.

Do I have to compete in my grade?


What age groups are there?

K/F, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9+

Does everyone answer the same questions?

Questions are randomised between live maths games. But within the live maths games the 4 participants will get the same questions.

Does everyone compete at the same level?

No. There are multiple levels to suit all mathematical abilities.

What happens once I complete my 20 games?

Your World Maths Day pointing scoring is done. But you can continue to access Live maths games and other areas of Mathletics.

Can I challenge other people in my class?

Yes. You can initiate a class challenge in the live maths platform.

What topics are in the games?

Topics vary between levels.

What are the prizes?

Prizes to be announced.

What time does it start in my timezone?

8am NZ time (UTC +13) – 23rd March
6am Sydney time (UTC +11) – 23rd March
7pm UK time (UTC +0) – 22nd March
3pm New York time (UTC -4) – 22nd March
1pm Calgary time (UTC -6) – 22nd March
12pm LA time (UTC -7) – 22nd March