Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you wanted to know about Readiwriter.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact your
local Readiwriter team at 3P Learning here.

I'm having technical issues when using Readiwriter Spelling?

Head to our technical support page for more information or to get in touch with our customer support team.

Where can I go to for support using Readiwriter Spelling?

Head to our Help Hub, or access the in-program guides by clicking ‘Need Help’ in your teacher console.

Need some extra help? Contact your local support team.

What devices can I use to access Readiwriter Spelling?

Find a full list of devices and requirements on our technical support page.

Does Readiwriter Spelling have an app?

No, but you can use the program on selected iPad and Android tablets through a web browser. Visit our tech support page to find out more.

What do I do if I'm having trouble running the program on my computer?

If you are having technical difficulties, our technical team may need to know your computer’s settings in order to best help you. Click this link to access an automated website that will check your system’s settings and display them on screen. (Don’t worry, it won’t access anything on your computer or make any changes, it will simply display your settings).

Once you have your system settings on screen, click the “Export PDF” link and send as an attachment to

Readiwriter Spelling is very slow on my computer. What should I do?

If Readiwriter Spelling is running slowly on your device, your internet speed might be affecting its performance.  Click this link to access an automated website that will show you your computer’s internet speed. (Don’t worry, it won’t access anything on your computer or make any changes, it will simply display your settings).

Click the green “Begin Test” button and the on-screen dial will test your upload speed (sending data from your computer) and download speed (receiving data to your computer). Pass this information on to our technical support team so they can diagnose the problem.

How do I clear my internet history and cache?

Your browser will “remember” the web pages you have visited, in order give you a faster viewing experience online. Often, after an update to one of the 3P Learning platforms, you may need to clear your “cache” (your computer’s memory of websites you’ve visited) in order to load the newest version of the website. Click here to find out more about your cache and how to delete your temporary internet files.

How do I print student logins in Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Head to your teacher console.
  2. Select ‘Manage Students’
  3. Select ‘Download Sign-in cards’ from the bottom of the screen
  4. Select either ‘Whole class’ or a specific learning group
  5. Select ‘Download’
  6. Your cards will now download as a pdf
How do I print student certificates in Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Log into your Readiwriter Spelling teacher account
  2. Head to ‘Manage Students’
  3. Select ‘Actions’ from the top right-hand corner
  4. Select ‘Certificates’
  5. Choose the Certificates that you’d like to print using the filters
  6. Select ‘ Download Certificates’



How do I add a new teacher to Readiwriter Spelling?

You can add a new teacher by uploading them with a student class list. Alternatively, you can add them separately by doing the following:

  1. Log into the Readiwriter Spelling Admin account for your school
  2. Select ‘School Roll’
  3. Select ‘Teachers’
  4. Select ‘Invite Teacher’
  5. Fill out their details and select the green tick.
How do I add a student to Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Log into your school’s Readiwriter Spelling Admin account
  2. Select ‘School roll’
  3. Select ‘Manage school roll’
  4. Select ‘+ Add Student’
  5. Add in their details, choose their class (and ability group if needed) and select the green tick
How do I delete a student in Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Log into your Readiwriter Spelling Teacher account
  2. Select ‘Manage Students’ from the left-hand side
  3. Select the tick box next to the student’s name
  4. Select ‘Move/remove Students from the bottom of the screen
  5. Select ‘ Remove’ as the action from the drop-down menu
  6. Select ‘Apply’
How do I reset/edit my student’s password in Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Log into your Readiwriter Spelling Teacher account or School’s admin account
  2. Select ‘Manage Students’
  3. Find the student(s)
  4. Select the pencil next to their name (far right hand side)
  5. Update the password
  6. Select ‘Save’
How do I reset my teacher password in Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Head to
  2. Enter in your email address
  3. Select ‘Recover password’
  4. Check your emails

If you get a message about email verification, contact your local team for next steps –

How do I move a student from one class to another in Readiwriter Spelling?
  1. Log into your Readiwriter Spelling Teacher or school’s Administrator account
  2. Select ‘Manage Students’ (Teacher console) or ‘School Roll’ and then ‘Manage School Roll’ for the Administrator console
  3. Select the tick box next to the student you wish to move
  4. Select ‘Move/remove Students’ from the bottom of the screen
  5. Select ‘Move to’ from the ‘Select action’ dropdown menu – you can also have the same student added to an additional class by selecting ‘Copy to’
  6. Select the class they’re moving to
  7. Select the ability group they’re moving to
  8. Select ‘Apply’

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